04.04.2014 | Announcements - old en

Summer School in Addiction Treatment, Research and Publication

ISAJE (International Society for Addiction Journals Editors)        

KETHEA (Therapy Centre for Dependent Individuals) 




Heraklion, Crete


14-18th July 2014


in Addiction Treatment, Research and Publication 

Facing the Labyrinth of Addiction Treatment and Research

This is an intensive International Summer School in Addiction Treatment, Research and Publication organized by ISAJE (International Society of Addiction Journal Editors) together with KETHEA (Therapy Centre for Dependent Individuals), the only Greek Organization with Special Consultative Status at ECOSOC, UN and the only Greek journal member of SCOPUS Group ‘Exartiseis’ (www.exartiseis.gr).

The programme is hosted by KETHEA-ARIADNI DRUG TREATMENT PROGRAMME (www.kethea-ariadni.gr) in the island of CRETE offering drug –free treatment, prevention, diagnosis and prison intervention programmes to drug and alcohol users including drug addicts in prison, drug addicts with mental health problems, adolescents and their families.

Overall Objective

To create an international meeting place for addiction researchers and other drug and alcohol treatment and prevention professionals and help them understand application of drug free treatment in the modern Greek context and the pathways to publishing addiction research in international journals and understanding and interpreting research data. In addition to help them understand the development and operation of a drug treatment programme at the times of crisis in one of the fifth largest islands in the Mediterranean sea and one of the thirteen administrative regions in Greece with unique cultural traits and the possibilities for research application in this context. 


The Official Language of the Summer School is English.

Click here to read the announcment

Click here to download the registration form