14th International EWODOR Symposium
Addiction, Criminal Justice System, Drug Treatment & Social Inclusion
Thessaloniki, 17-19 May 2012
In the current economic and social crisis substance abuse, delinquency, criminal behaviour and imprisonment are expected to increase. In this unstable climate drug-free treatment services and especially therapeutic communities could make an important contribution to treatment, rehabilitation and social integration of drug users and offenders within the prison setting and after prison release. This symposium: Addiction, Criminal Justice System, Treatment and Social Inclusion is the 14th initiative of the European Working Group on Drugs Oriented Research (EWODOR), a network of addiction researchers closely aligned to the European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC). This Symposium focuses on the need to develop strong links and drug-free programmes for drug addicted offenders in collaboration with the criminal justice system ensuring quality of continuous care and increasing the options for social integration. The programme of the symposium will not only explore the possibilities for developing treatment facilities within the criminal justice setting but it will also discuss these within the current climate of economic and social crisis. More importantly, the symposium will consider the research evidence that demonstrate the effectiveness of therapeutic community model and what can be learnt from the implementation of this model on the prison setting. The symposium will contain a mix of plenary presentations and panel discussions.
Symposium Themes:
• Legislation and drug abuse.
• Treatment intervention in the criminal justice system.
• Penal System and social integration
• Drug addiction research in the criminal justice system
Programme Content
The programme consists of plenary sessions, working groups, panel discussions where participants are going to have the opportunity to present their research material and exchange views and ideas in relation to the Symposium Themes.
The Symposium is addressed to professionals, post-graduate and PhD students and academics in the field of drug abuse treatment and intervention at the criminal justice system. Number of participants cannot exceed 200 people.
Language of the Symposium
The official language of the symposium is English. One session, however, will be in Greek. Translation facilities, due to limited availability, may be provided in priority to fully registered participants upon request.
Language of the Symposium
The working language of the Symposium is the English language. One or two panel sessions or/and workshop might be possible to run in the Greek Language. However, no translation facilities are available.
Detailed information concerning the Symposium (programme, registration costs, main presentations)