To promote scientific dialogue, the exchange of expertise and the dissemination of good practices between professionals, KETHEA designs and implements certified training programmes based on the principles of lifelong learning.
The programmes are aimed at professionals of varying levels of experience working in the field of addiction treatment and prevention, researchers, students, and professionals working in other fields connected to addiction, such as public prosecutors, prison workers and educators.
KETHEA’s main partners in education include the Law Departments at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Nicosia, the Greek National School of Public Health, the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego, and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
The main educational programmes organized by KETHEA on an annual basis are:
Postgraduate education
Inter-institutional graduate programme in ” Criminal Law and Addictions”. The course is delivered by the Law Departments of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the University of Nicosia in partnership with KETHEA. The programme is full-time over 18 months and offers two orientations: the Criminal Law of Addictions and the Therapeutic Treatment of Addictions.
Long-term training programmes
- “Addiction Counselling competencies: The Knowledge, skills and attitudes of professional practice”, in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Diego, with a duration of 180 hours.
Short-term training programmes
- Self-help & mutual support groups
- Relapse prevention
- Motivational interviewing
- Using art in the training of trainers
- Training trainers who work with individuals who have recovered from addiction or are in the process of doing so
- Counselling and providing vocational guidance to individuals who have recovered from addiction or are in the process of doing so
- Training in group processes and dynamics for Local Health Unit personnel in the context of a memorandum of understanding with the Hellenic Ministry of Health
- Raising medical students ‘ awareness of addiction issues, in cooperation with the HeLMSIC (Hellenic Medical Students’ International Committee)
KETHEA also offers internships to students studying at universities in Greece and abroad, as well as research programmes for graduate and Ph.D. students.