A safe and functional environment can help shield your children from drugs and other forms of addictive behaviour such as excessive Internet use. Parents can help maintain this sort of environment by being good listeners, by maintaining a warm and positive relationship with their children, by having realistic expectations of them, by helping them shoulder responsibilities, by imposing firm and reasonable limits on them, and by providing a good example through their behaviour and way of life.
KETHEA runs specialized programs which enable parents to:
- encourage healthy psycho-emotional development in their children in a way that takes their current age stage into account,
- share the difficulties and issues they encounter in their complex and demanding role as parents,
- stay up-to-date with the conversation on drug and alcohol use, excessive Internet use and other harmful behaviours.
- improve the way the family communicates,
- develop a closer relationship with their children’s schools and make use of assistance available in their local community in the spheres of health, social care and education.
Prevention programmes for parents vary in length and focus depending on their needs, and can be both short and informative or, in the case of schools and workshops for parents, longer and more educational in nature.
For more information please contact: KETHEA Early Intervention and Prevention Network at +30 210 9212961,
+30 2109212391, info@prevention.gr