During NSRF period 2014-2020 KETHEA has created new treatment units throughout the country. Τhese units expand access to help for different forms of addiction and support social reintegration after treatment. Special units have been created for adolescents, young adults and their families, people with dual diagnosis, and socially marginalised and homeless drug users.
12 Counselling Centers with multiple services
The Centers provide counselling and treatment on an outpatient base regarding the misuse of drugs and alcohol, gambling and internet gaming disorders. Addressed to the individuals in need as well as to their socio-family environment, they make references to intensive care services, if necessary, and develop a collaboration network with local services.
9 Mobile Units
These units carry out outreach interventions in local communities and support individuals and their families with drug and alcohol abuse, gambling and internet gaming problems. They emphasize at areas outside urban fabric, facilitating the access to services and also the reference to a more specialized treatment.
1 Early Intervention and Accommodation Unit for Adolescents and Young Adults
Located in Volos, the unit provides accommodation, psychological support, counselling, treatment and social reintegration services to adolescents and young adults with drug abuse problems or antisocial behavior, as well as to their families.
4 Social Reintegration Programmes
They aim to support the social reintegration of people who have completed a drug treatment program, while providing legal, financial and vocational counselling. They offer them opportunities to enter the labor market and develop career skills.
2 Dual Diagnosis Units
They provide a comprehensive treatment care to people with dual diagnosis, a condition in which addiction of various forms (drugs, alcohol, gambling, internet gaming) and mental disorders are occurring at the same time
1 Direct Access Centre
Located in Thessaloniki, it offers multifaceted support to the most marginalised drug users. It Includes a Law Threshold Center and a Street-Work Programme.
1 Specialized Unit for Alcohol and Gaming Addiction
The Unit provides counselling and treatment services on an outpatient basis to people with alcohol and gambling problems, as well as to their significant others.
Partnerships under NSRF
In partnership with the Psychiatric Hospital of Attiki – Treatment Programme 18 ANO and OKANA (Organisation Against Drugs), KETHEA has created the first public detox unit for alcohol and drugs in Athens.