KETHEA PLEFSI is an early intervention programme that has been up and running in Athens since 1996. It is aimed at young people up to 21 years of age who use cannabis on an experimental, occasional or systematic basis, as well as at their families. It sets out to support young people and their whole families in order to bring their drug use to an end, to deal effectively with personal and interpersonal problems, and to establish a lifestyle which does not include drugs.

Services are also provided to young people who are experiencing problems with their use of the Internet and computer games, and to their families.

KETHEA PLEFSI achieves its goals through short or longer interventions which include individual counselling, family therapy, group therapy and counselling, career guidance and other activities. The particular interventions used depending on the characteristics and needs of the given family.

KETHEA PLEFSI operates primarily during the afternoon to allow and encourage the young people and their parents to continue their educational and/or professional activities.

Emphasis is also placed on raising the awareness of parents, professionals and the public in relation to issues relating to adolescence, drug use and problematic Internet use through actions, informative material, and education.

Make an appointment: t. +30210 6525220 (17-21 years of age), 210 8218883 (13-17 years of age), 210 9212304 (for internet addiction)

For more information: Tsamadou 7, 106 83 Εxarcheia, t. +30 2109212304,