KETHEA NOSTOS was founded in 1993 and now provides a comprehensive service network covering the Municipality of Piraeus, neighbouring municipalities, the southern suburbs of Athens, parts of Western Attica, and the islands of the north-eastern Aegean.
It provides counselling, treatment and social reintegration for adult drug users -workers and students whose substance abuse ranges from the casual through the experimental to the systematic. It also supports the families of individuals faced addiction problems. KETHEA NOSTOS runs Counselling Centres and Family Support Centres in Piraeus, Eleusina, Mytilene and Chios.
Treatment is either in an intensive residential Therapeutic Community (6 months duration) or in the Outpatient Treatment Unit, which provides personalized support suited to the individual’s needs and their specific type of dependency. Both facilities are situated in Piraeus. The Outpatient Treatment Unit also helps therapeutic programme graduates to maintain their abstinence, helps prevent relapses, and also provides support to people who have a problematic relationship with the Internet. Treatment is completed at the Social Reintegration Center in Piraeus, which also has a hostel.
The Counselling Centres on Mytilene (KETHEA MYTILINIS) and Chios (KETHEA CHIOU) mobilize and prepare drug users to join the residential NOSTOS Therapeutic Community in Piraeus, support users’ families, and cover the wide-ranging addiction-related needs of local communities. The Centres also provide early intervention services for people who misuse drugs experimentally, occasionally or systematically, as well as supporting their families. The aim of the interventions is to deal with the users’ problems effectively and to prevent their drug use becoming more serious. In addition, the Centres provide therapeutic support for people who are dependent on alcohol, gambling and the Internet.
KETHEA NOSTOS gives everyone involved in one of its units the opportunity to participate in educational activities, vocational training and vocational guidance. At the same time, its Liaison Office in Piraeus promotes and support its members in the labour market.
Make an appointment:
Piraeus: t. +30 210 4221061 (residential), 210 4226005 (outpatient)
Eleusina: t. +30 210 5541810
Mytilene: t. +30 22510 25670
Chios: t. +30 22710 83027
From more information: Distomou 68 & Zeas, 185 37 Piraeus, t. +30 210 4220708,