KETHEA DIAVASI began operating in 1990 in Athens. Its services are aimed at adults who are substance users and their families. It is an outpatient programme which supports its members while they remain with their families and continue their professional or educational activities.

KETHEA DIAVASI’s Morning Programme is aimed at young adults over 21 who enjoy the support of their family and friends. The Evening Programme is for employees and students with substance abuse problems. Counselling and treatment are also provided for casual users who are in work or full-time education, and for their families.

KETHEA DIAVASI assigns especial importance to providing its members with vocational guidance, education and training in collaboration with educational institutions in both the public and private sectors, and to assuring places on courses and scholarships for its members. It has also created the Work Club, which helps its members develop their professional identity, to increase their stability, and to develop in their chosen line of work. It also collaborates with agencies and employers, raising their awareness of the need for rehabilitated addicts to be able to enter the labour market on non-disadvantageous terms.

Seeking the creative involvement of society as a whole in the tackling of addiction, KETHEA DIAVASI organizes regular open events in Athens and works with groups and bodies that are active in the spheres of social solidarity and culture. Its Culture Hangout provides a fixed point of contact and interaction between the programme and society at large. Housed in the home of the Outpatient Therapeutic Community, it hosts exhibitions, book presentations, music and theatrical evenings, film screenings, etc.

Make an appointment: t. +30 210 8626761, +30 210 8659745

For more information: Stavropoulou 29, 112 52 Athens, t. +30 210 8653960 (ext. 110),