KETHEA ANADYSI has been operating in Thessaloniki since 2001. The specialized programme it runs for teenagers and young adults covers the needs of Northern Greece. KETHEA ANADYSI supports teens and young people aged 13–21 who use drugs and alcohol on a casual or a regular basis. It also provides support for their families. In addition, it provides services to adolescents and young people aged 13–21 whose Internet use is problematic, as well as to their family.

The support is personalized and depends on the degree of dependency, the educational or occupational activities, and the family situation of the young people the programme caters for. Provided on an outpatient basis, the treatment can be short-term and less intensive or long-term and intensive, depending on individual needs.

KETHEA ANADYSI’s services include awareness raising, counselling, individual and group therapy, educational and vocational guidance, and family sessions.

KETHEA ANADYSI also collaborates systematically with the juvenile courts to provide support to teenagers facing problems relating to delinquent behaviour and substance abuse.

In the broader community, it stages interventions to convey information, raise awareness, train professionals, and network with agencies and services -including schools, sports and cultural associations, medical and social services-  that can make an active contribution to combatting addiction.

For appointments  & more information, please contact the secretariat of the programme on (+30) 2310 544976.